Jun 11, 2023
Romans “This Changes Everything”
Series: Romans
Romans 5:1-11
All of that we've read and looked at so far about the gospel; about justification, about the righteousness of God, about Jesus paying for our sins, does it impact or change or address that anxiety at all? The answer is a resounding "yes". When we actually understand the gospel deeply, that understanding transforms the way we walk through suffering. 
  • Jun 11, 2023Romans “This Changes Everything”
    Jun 11, 2023
    Romans “This Changes Everything”
    Series: Romans
    Romans 5:1-11
    All of that we've read and looked at so far about the gospel; about justification, about the righteousness of God, about Jesus paying for our sins, does it impact or change or address that anxiety at all? The answer is a resounding "yes". When we actually understand the gospel deeply, that understanding transforms the way we walk through suffering. 
  • May 28, 2023Romans: “What is Faith?”
    May 28, 2023
    Romans: “What is Faith?”
    Series: Romans
    Romans 4:1-25
    Romans 4 is Paul's dissection of what it really means to have faith. So far we've seen how important faith is to our salvation, so how important it is for us to understand what it really is. Looking at the life of Abraham, we get a great illustration. 
  • May 21, 2023Romans: “A Diamond on a Black Cloth”
    May 21, 2023
    Romans: “A Diamond on a Black Cloth”
    Series: Romans
    Romans 3:20-26
    Paul turns from the black cloth of human sin to hold up the glittering diamond of the gospel. 
  • May 14, 2023Romans: “The Same Boat”
    May 14, 2023
    Romans: “The Same Boat”
    Series: Romans
    Romans 1:18-2:29
    Just as both sons were estranged from their father in the parable of the prodigal son, religious and non-religious people are estranged from God by their sin, and both groups are in desperate need of the saving work of Jesus Christ.
  • Apr 24, 2023From Consumer To Follower
    Apr 24, 2023
    From Consumer To Follower
    Series: (All)
    Mark 8:27-38
  • Apr 9, 2023“A King Like No Other”
    Apr 9, 2023
    “A King Like No Other”
    Series: (All)
    John 20:1-18
    Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
  • Apr 2, 2023Jesus in the Wild: “The Beauty After The Battle”
    Apr 2, 2023
    Jesus in the Wild: “The Beauty After The Battle”
    Luke 4:14
    Theme: There is a benefit to being tested, and God knows what we do not. On the other side of a test passed is a spiritual resilience.
  • Mar 26, 2023Jesus In The Wild: “The Power of ‘It Is Written’”
    Mar 26, 2023
    Jesus In The Wild: “The Power of ‘It Is Written’”
    Luke 4:4, 8, 12
    Theme: The Word of God, given power to work in us by the Spirit of God,  enables us to face down the lies that tempt us to rely on our own strength.
  • Feb 19, 2023Haunting Questions: “What should I do with my doubts?”
    Feb 19, 2023
    Haunting Questions: “What should I do with my doubts?”
    John 20:1-18, Psalm 77
    We are tempted to think that doubt is the enemy of faith, and we seek to eliminate doubt because that keeps us in control. But faith requires us to venture into mystery, and there is no certitude in mystery. And so doubt is not the enemy of faith. It's the ground out of which faith often emerges. In the face of our doubts, we run to Jesus and let his love for us become our reason to have hope.
  • Jan 22, 2023Haunting Questions: “How can a loving God send people to Hell?”
    Jan 22, 2023
    Haunting Questions: “How can a loving God send people to Hell?”
    Luke 16:19-31
    The Christian understanding of hell gives us insight into the danger of our own hearts. It also gives us resources to live in peace in the world,and to know the love of God who suffered hell for us.