May 8, 2022
The Domino Effect: “Jesus Christ In Us”
By: Clint McBroom
Series: The Domino Effect
Scripture: Colossians 2:1-3
Not only is Jesus in us individually, he is in us together. This is why the mantra of the New Testament is not "me and Jesus" but rather "love one another." So walking with Jesus isn't private spiritual self-improvement, it is relationally based, supernaturally transformative community.
- May 8, 2022The Domino Effect: “Jesus Christ In Us”
May 8, 2022The Domino Effect: “Jesus Christ In Us”By: Clint McBroomSeries: The Domino EffectScripture: Colossians 2:1-3Not only is Jesus in us individually, he is in us together. This is why the mantra of the New Testament is not "me and Jesus" but rather "love one another." So walking with Jesus isn't private spiritual self-improvement, it is relationally based, supernaturally transformative community.
- May 1, 2022The Domino Effect: “Christ in You”
May 1, 2022The Domino Effect: “Christ in You”By: Clint McBroomSeries: The Domino EffectScripture: Colossians 1:21-27The mystery of the gospel is that Jesus indwells you, the individual believer, by the Holy Spirit—who fills you.
- Apr 24, 2022The Domino Effect: “Jesus Christ, Ascended”
Apr 24, 2022The Domino Effect: “Jesus Christ, Ascended”By: Clint McBroomSeries: The Domino EffectScripture: Colossians 1:15-20The good news isn't just a message, the good news is a Person, Jesus, and so the message isn't just that Jesus saves, it is that Jesus is himself salvation. So all the church activity and spiritual work we do are really ways to look at Jesus and draw close to Him.
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Apr 17, 2022Why Jesus? (Easter Sunday)By: Clint McBroomSeries: (All)Easter SundayScripture: John 20:1-18
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Apr 10, 2022A Jesus-Shaped Life: “The Mission of Jesus”By: Clint McBroomSeries: A Jesus-Shaped LifePALM SUNDAY! Scripture: Luke 15:4-10If God created a poster, it might have a picture of people and read: “LOST: My prize creation. Looks something like me; they wandered off and may look beaten up and hungry.” Many people do not have a relationship with the God—living as if he doesn’t exist. Jesus is looking for his people, and we get to be part of the search party.
- Apr 3, 2022A Jesus-Shaped Life: “The Justice of Jesus”
Apr 3, 2022A Jesus-Shaped Life: “The Justice of Jesus”By: Clint McBroomSeries: A Jesus-Shaped LifeScripture: Matthew 12:18-21Justice won’t be complete or perfect until Jesus returns. We will always have to live with some unfairness and injustice until then. That doesn’t mean we shrug our shoulders and accept it. Love acts.
- Mar 27, 2022A Jesus-Shaped Life: “The Courage of Jesus”
Mar 27, 2022A Jesus-Shaped Life: “The Courage of Jesus”By: Clint McBroomSeries: A Jesus-Shaped LifeScripture: Romans 12:1-2, Luke 9:23-27We might think our lives would be changed if we had more friends, more money, or less stress. Transformation comes from changing our minds, not from changing our circumstances. A Jesus-shaped life requires a Jesus-shaped mind.
- Mar 20, 2022A Jesus-Shaped Life: “The Relationships of Jesus”
Mar 20, 2022A Jesus-Shaped Life: “The Relationships of Jesus”By: Clint McBroomSeries: A Jesus-Shaped LifeScripture: Ephesians 5:1-12Becoming like Jesus means taking on some of his traits and characteristics. There is one trait of Jesus that rises to the top of them all: love. Christlikeness shows up as love.
- Mar 13, 2022A Jesus-Shaped Life: “The Obedience of Jesus”
Mar 13, 2022A Jesus-Shaped Life: “The Obedience of Jesus”By: Clint McBroomSeries: A Jesus-Shaped LifeScripture: Luke 6:46-49We are all tempted to say, ‘I know a shortcut,’ to God’s directions in our lives. There is a name for those shortcuts: sin. And Jesus told us it doesn’t end well. Rule-keeping is not God’s aim; transformation is his intent.
- Mar 6, 2022A Jesus-Shaped Life: “Made for This”
Mar 6, 2022A Jesus-Shaped Life: “Made for This”By: Clint McBroomSeries: A Jesus-Shaped LifeScripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:3a, Galatians 5:16-17If you are a follower of Jesus, there is another force at work in your life-the power of the Holy Spirit. And he is shaping you into the image of Jesus.