J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 2
- Pastor’s Message: “By Design”
- Tallassee Mission House Update
- “Superpowers” – a primer on Pray & Go
- Mission Opportunities
- Nominations – Church Council 2022
- Wednesday Nights Food & Fellowship
- Small Groups, Hope for Healing, and other Miscellany
- Birthdays & Anniversaries
- January Altar Flower Schedule
- Regular Weekly Schedule
- Monthly Calendar
There in an aspect of modern life that seems very freeing: it is the belief that we are our own. We are masters of our own lives. We have autonomy over what we do and what we say and even over our own bodies.
While this sounds freeing, in reality it may have the opposite effect on our hearts, minds and souls. It leaves us feeling empty and with a sense of despair. I recently listened to an interview with Dr. Matthew Sleeth who talked about how we are living with a pandemic of despair. People are plagued with a deep sense that they have no hope and that their lives have no meaning.
God’s gracious gift to heal us of despair and give us hope comes from Psalm 139, where we read that God’s eyes saw our unformed bodies in the womb (v. 16). Even before we draw our first breath, God has already ordained the very number of days we will live (v. 16). Our lives from inception to the grave belong to him. God alone sets the path of our lives and directs us according to his gracious plan. Now the fact that we are God’s creation means that there are certain moral boundaries to the decisions we make regarding our lives. But does not limit our freedom; rather it blesses us and gives us hope. When we feel overwhelmed and think our life is going all wrong, we can remember that god knows so much more than we do: “How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand” (vv. 17–18).
We are given hope by the truth that our lives are not a random sequence of days determined simply by chance or even by the feeble choices we make. Ultimately, our lives are in God’s hands.
Over the month of January I will be talking about how God’s design of us and for our lives gives us hope and direction and meaning. I look forward to walking through Psalm 139 with you and reflecting on God’s great design!
In Christ,
Volunteers are needed. ALL of us can help in some way:
- Provide initial and ongoing donations of your unwanted items.
- Ask your family and friends to consider making our Mission House one of their donation drop-offs.
- Identify, engage, and refer people you encounter that may benefit from the Mission House.
- Volunteer on a regular basis in the Mission House. Initial Mission House open hours will be on Wednesdays and Saturdays, specific hours to be determined soon. Asking a good friend or family member to work with you might be a great way to serve together, working in the house. In the summer, older youth might partner with a parent or mentor. Whether individuals and small groups, consider working in the Mission House one day a month, a half day a month, or any way that might work out in your schedule. Tasks might include greeting and engaging visitors, providing coffee or refreshments, sorting and organizing donated items, and more.
- Men’s Ramp Ministry
- Crafty Christians and Ladies Circle Ministries
- Sunday School and Small Group ministries (Allen Cowan SS Class Bible Distribution to Tallassee 3rd and 8th graders; SS 360 Hospice Support; Men’s SS Class Sponsors, etc.)
- Children and Youth Mission Projects
- Ongoing support of ACTS – Association of Christians in Tallassee for Service – (Monthly monetary support; ongoing collection of flour and meal in Box in hallway; holiday meal baskets and toy drives; help with meal baskets, periodic donations)
- Ongoing Support of Hospice needs– collection box in Fellowship Hall
- Periodic churchwide local missions projects (House of Love and Mercy, Life Choice Pregnancy Center, Headstart, Tallassee City Schools, Student Lunches, Hospice donations and support)
- Blessing Box (food donation in rear parking lot cabinet for walk-in or drive up access)
- Annual Christmas Outreach ministries (Shoebox Ministry; Learning Tree Resident Gift Sponsorship; United Methodist Children’s Home Donations, ACTS Drives)
- Disaster Relief Support as needed.
- Pray & Go – intentional prayer for and connectional outreach to those in our community
- Tallassee Mission House – Our latest churchwide missions outreach effort. ALL can participate!